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Samhein: The Celtic Roots of Halloween by Barry Cloyd October 23, 2-3

Samhein: The Celtic Roots of Halloween
 Samhein (pronounced Sow-wehn) is the ancient Gaelic/Celtic name for the time between times...a time at the end of Harvest when the veil between the world of Men and the other-world of Spirits becomes thin and those Spirits walk the Earth. From ancient times until today, we have celebrated this mysterious and beautiful time of year. We call it Halloween or All Hallows Eve...and you can join Award Winning Singer/Songwriter Barry Cloyd in a step back into ancient Celtic times to revisit and bring to life the tales and songs of this haunting October celebration. A Spooky good time is guaranteed for all. 

For more information about Barry Cloyd CLICK HERE! 

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